Who Visualized You?
Visualizedbymal was launched in 2016 by Malachi Somerville to honor the legacy of his grandfather, a well-known photographer and educator. Malachi, a now HBCU graduate is a traveling image consultant based out of Philadelphia. His team travels near and far delivering powerful visual storytelling.
Visualizedbymal’s years of experience, passion, and unmatched commitment enable him to visualize your idea and preserve your moment with his unique storytelling. Our visual storytelling and healing shoot experience that makes our clients comfortable derives from years of experience, dedication, and creativity.
Mal has been chosen to lead visual creation for some of the nation’s most influential people, hundreds of creatives and artists, and has captured hundreds of professional events. Leadership organizations, thousands of graduates, and business owners that work with Visualizedbymal find increased engagement and have been featured by countless networks, record labels, and professionals nationwide including publishing in various media outlets including Good Morning America and the National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC.
Visualizedbymal is open to partnerships, classes, and engagements.
This is Visualized…